The local plan consultation has launched!
The Thanet Local Plan will set out policies and proposals that will be used to guide decisions and investment on development and regeneration over the period to 2031. It will set out how and where the homes, jobs, community facilities, shops and infrastructure will be delivered and the type of places and environments we want to create. The Local Plan will have far reaching implications for everyone with an interest in Thanet’s future. YOU are now invited to comment on the draft local plan.
If you want to keep the Manston Airport for aviation use, please fill in the consultation form at You can also email completed consultation questionnaires (on the site above) or any questions to
Your response should insist that:
– All 700+ acres of the Manston site to remain for aviation use only.
– No mixed development or housing, even on the Northern Grassland.
– No renaming or rezoning of the area as a general opportunity site, or anything else that could jeopardise the airport’s future as an aviation site.
We have also arranged a public meeting regarding the emerging Thanet Local Plan. This will be a chance for you, our supporters, to come and provide views to members of the planning department of Thanet District Council regarding the draft local plan – particularly in regard to Manston Airport. Planning officers from TDC will give a presentation followed by a Q & A session, and then you will have a chance to make your comments about the local plan.
It will be held on Thursday 15th January and all supporters of Manston Airport are welcome. It will begin at 19:00 at the Northwood Club, 55 Northwood Road, Ramsgate CT12 6RS. There will be plenty of parking and a bus stop is nearby.
Together, we will say YES to aviation for Thanet and NO to another mixed use development. YOU can make the difference TODAY.