Planning Inspectorate Publishes their Scoping Opinion and Consultee Responses to RiverOak’s Scoping Report
The Planning Inspectorate has published their Scoping Opinion in response to Riveroak’s Scoping report for Manston Airport. This basically considers the environmental impact of the proposed Development Consent Order.
In addition to Secretary of State’s opinion, it also includes responses from the statutory consultees.
The original Scoping Report is intended to determine the extent of the issues to be considered, with the opinion then forming the blueprint for the ongoing work before an application for the Development Consent Order is submitted. The Scoping Opinion helps to focus the process of environmental impact assessment and ensures the concerns of key stakeholders are identified and addressed.
You will also see that mentions are made of issues/locations within and outside of the scope and opinions made about what should be included or not. A key part of this stage in the process is to ascertain these requirements.
Whilst there is no obligation to follow the advice of the Scoping Opinion, most applicants will choose to do so to reduce the prospect of their application being rejected.
You can read the Scoping Opinion here:
There are also a couple of consultee opinions in this separate document received after the consultation deadline here:
You can also refer to the original Scoping report submitted by RiverOak in our post here from the 30th June 2016: