Decision on Manston Airport change of use appeals delayed

After initially expecting to issue a decision no later than Friday 26th May 2017, the Planning Inspectorate has decided to delay the decision until after the results of the General Election are known.

“The Planning Inspectorate always aims to issue decisions promptly after the event. However, in the run up to the General Election, we are always concerned to ensure that proposals which have raised particular sensitivities or interest cannot be deemed to have influenced the election or to have been used to electoral advantage by any interested body.

Accordingly, given that the appeals at Manston Airport have given rise to considerable interest and controversy, the Inspector’s Decision will be held back until after the results of the general election on 8 June 2017 are known. Further details regarding the pre-election period are given on the PINS homepages on the GOV website.”


1 thoughts on “Decision on Manston Airport change of use appeals delayed

  • May 23, 2017 at 8:31 am

    I fully support the re-opening of Manston Airport.
    I have previously written to Sir Julian Brazier expressing this wish.

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