Thanet District Council Cabinet agrees to publish the draft Local Plan

At last night’s Cabinet meeting the Draft Local Plan (DLP) was progressed to the publication stage by a vote of 5 to 1. This is however the start, not the end, of this particular process.

The DLP, as we are well aware, includes the re-designation of the Manston Airport site from aviation only to a mixed use development under revision SP05.

There will now follow a series of cross party Overview and Scrutiny meetings. Most of these meetings will be held in private before a public meeting on 21st November when their final recommendations will be made.

The Cabinet voted to agree to the following recommendations:

  1. That Cabinet agree the draft Local Plan, with the changes proposed in this report, the
    Sustainability Appraisal and draft Transport Strategy for Publication for a period of 6 weeks to
    allow comments to be made;
  2. That Cabinet agree to publish the Thanet Landscape Character Assessment for comment,
    with the intention of adopting it as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD);
  3. That Cabinet recommend to Council that, following the Publication period, the draft Local
    Plan be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination; and
  4. That Cabinet agree the proposed amendments to the Local Development Scheme.

More details on the meeting and proposals, can be found here:

There will be another Cabinet meeting on 14th December and then a full Council meeting on 18th January when all Councillors will have the opportunity to vote.

A Public Consultation lasting 6 weeks will take place in the new year. We will provide summaries and updates nearer the time.

Remember you can already view the major changes to the proposed DLP, including SP05 relating to Manston, here –

Even if you have responded before to previous consultations it is imperative that you submit a new response once the consultation goes live because at this stage the submissions go directly to the Secretary of State who will look at the responses with fresh and independent eyes.

If you want to watch the meeting, you can do so on Facebook here:

1 thoughts on “Thanet District Council Cabinet agrees to publish the draft Local Plan

  • December 3, 2017 at 2:56 pm

    This council would do well to listen to the Thanet electorates view with regard to Manston.The blatant disregard for the cast iron promises they made that Manston would remain as an airport was a principle reason they won the election and will be the reason they will all be ex councilors after the next election. No doubt all their builder mates will look after them.

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