Cabinet decision called in by scrutiny panel
The Thanet District Council Overview and Scrutiny Panel have called in the decision made by the Cabinet last month that “no further action” be taken on a CPO “at this time.”
Five members of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, from more than one political group (Cllrs Campbell, I Gregory, K Gregory, D Saunders and M Tomlinson) have requested the Democratic Services and Scrutiny Managerto call in the Cabinet decision, made 11 December 2014, regarding Manston Airport.
A meeting will be help on 13th January 2015 at which the Overview and Scrutiny Panel will decide whether Cabinet should reconsider the decision or take no further action.
If referred to Cabinet, they will then have to reconsider their earlier vote within 15 working days.
The reason given for the call in of the decision is as follows:
“The report before Cabinet did not contain sufficient details as to the process involved and evidence in reaching some of the conclusions made. As a result of this the Members feel that it is essential to understand the detail behind the due diligence process and the basis for determining its appropriateness.”