Draft Local Plan – New Settlement Mitigation Study (draft)

A supplementary document to the Local Plan Annex 6 appears, alongside others, in the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 21st November 2016. The origins of this new document stretch back to 2013, prior to the airport closing.


The document entitled ‘TDC New Settlement Study draft’ and dated 11th November 2016, shows the footprint of the airport plus some adjacent land, including the Fire School, being proposed as a ‘new settlement’ as per the photo below,

Even though this document is just a draft it does raise a host of questions and we are seeking an official comment from the Council with regard to the status of the document in the current Local Plan discussions, how it has been used to date and how, or if, it will be used going forward.

Meanwhile we hang onto the Leader’s comments, recorded in the same minutes, when he said:

“If there was evidence that there was an investor for a passenger air service, then Council would consider them.”

We will publish any responses to our enquiries as and when we receive them.

