Frederick Forsythe: “Kent holds the key to solving airport congestion”
Frederick has again pushed Manston in his Daily Express column today (he did this previously in January 2016:
“THE raging controversy over more airport landing space or even a new airport in the South-east just goes on and on without resolution. And still no one in authority will even have a glance at Manston in north Kent.
With a heavy-duty runway of more than 9,000ft (the 10th-longest civilian runway in the country) it can take the largest long-haul jets right now.
It has the hangars, warehouses, maintenance sheds already built. It would need refurbishment and a passenger terminal, plus upgraded fast access to London.
But all this would cost a fraction of the now estimated £60billion for the HS2 rail line and be a vastly greater engine of wealth generation. As our ministers have chauffeur-driven limousines, would it be asking too much for one of them to go down the M2 one day and just have a look?”
I am afraid you are talking common sense. This is not something that has been used off late regarding airport expansion. It’s all about Heathrow and Gatwick.
I suggest you reverse the argument. Don’t try and sell Manston as an alternative solution. Ask why it is not being considered. Demand an explanation.
Else form a petition and send it the No 10. You have plenty if time. They have been arguing over this for years.
Nigel Sharpe