Last KLM Flight from Manston Airport – Two Years ago Today

On the 9th April 2014 (two years ago today) the last KLM flight left Manston Airport.
At the time, everyone thought it was another blow to the operation and looked increasingly likely that it would severely damage the airport’s viability. However, we learned later on in the year that according to KLM Cityhopper’s Managing Director:
“The whole story made up later on that Manston had to close because of KLM is complete nonsense, incorrect and complete reversion of truth.”
You can read the article with the full email here:
Two years on, the fight continues with more than one potential investor now interested in returning Manston Airport to full aviation use. We continue to welcome all options to return Manston as a viable airport with supporting businesses and thriving museums, whilst continuing to oppose other uses for any part of the site.
Impromptu Gathering after Last KLM Flight
Impromptu Gathering after Last KLM Flight
#savemanston @KLM @KLM_UK