Manston Airport DCO Granted
The Secretary of State has granted development consent for the application to reopen and develop Manston Airport into a dedicated air freight facility.
All the documents relating to the granting of the Development Consent Order for Manston Airport are now available on the Planning Inspectorate website –

The Report by the panel of inspectors, led by Kelvin MacDonald, who examined the DCO over six months, recommended that it should be refused.

However, the Minister of State for Transport, Andrew Stephenson, on behalf of Secretary of State Grant Shapps, overturned this recommendation and has granted the DCO.
There will now be a six week period in which a claim for judicial review can be made to the High Court.
At last! It still was such a performance to go through. It is difficult to believe it was operating as an airport in 2014 and still had to go through all this just to restart. I hope after Brexit any UK projects are not tangled up in a mass of red tape before they can get started. Other wise we will end up as ‘Backward Britain’
I am very disappointed at news coverage in local newspaper, 2wks ago. Seemed to me to be a one sided argument. I live right beside the runway in Cliffs end as they say”, If you Don, t like planes, Don, t buy a house near an airport”. Get this airport running we need the jobs, and a chance for our younger generation to flourish,this airport will put Ramsgate on the map.