Manston Centenary Update

We have had a very busy and productive day speaking to lots of people to organise the Manston Airport Centenary event for 28th May 2016.

We have secured plenty of parking and first aid.

To complement our 1940’s theme we have booked Swingtime Sweethearts and the Hotsy Totsy trio.
We have the air cadets marching band plus some really fantastic surprises!!
We are very excited!

Meanwhile, could you please spread the word to any ex-employees and veterans you may know.
We are in the process of getting some promotional material together to advertise the event but we really want to focus on those with a connection to the airport.

If you know of anyone who may like a stall for the afternoon there will be a £15 fee on a first come first served basis.

We would also love to have some written copies of personal memories and/or photos to make a display. Could you send them to us asap please.
