Response to the Stone Hill Park Planning Application by Southern Water

There are some interesting comments amongst what appears to be a lot of requirements, so we have extracted a few below. You can read the full submission here:

“Our wastewater drainage assessment is based on the assumption that the proposed development will discharge foul sewerage into Weatherlees catchment. The results of an initial desk top study indicates that Southern Water currently cannot accommodate the needs of this application without the development providing additional local infrastructure. The proposed development would increase flows into the wastewater sewerage system and as a result increase the risk of flooding in and around the existing area, contrary to paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework.”

“The proposed surface water drainage strategy is not acceptable to Southern Water. Due to sensitivity of the area, no infiltration into the ground will be accepted.”

“Southern Water will object to any discharge to underground strata. Thanet Chalk block is probably the most contaminated aquifer in our region and has the highest level of protection being a WFD Groundwater Protection Area. Given the already high nitrate levels in the Thanet Chalk, which exceed the DW PCV, we would not expect the EA to approve any discharges to ground that would add to the nitrogen loading.”

“The proposed location of the wave garden is not acceptable to Southern Water. Southern Water would not accept such water feature within 400 metres of the assumed adit location.”

“We request that should this application receive planning approval, the following condition is attached to the consent: ‘Construction of the development shall not commence until details of the proposed means of foul and surface water sewerage disposal have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Southern Water.’ ”

“Following initial investigations, there is currently inadequate capacity in the local network to provide a water supply to service the proposed development. Additional off-site mains, or improvements to existing mains, will be required to provide sufficient capacity to service the development.”


2 thoughts on “Response to the Stone Hill Park Planning Application by Southern Water

  • July 13, 2016 at 9:47 am

    The way that I look at this matter is Thanet has a high unemployment with in its bounds so why add to it ? by building more houses . The only thing that can be achieved by this is to line the developers pockets and cause traffic problems and yet more unemployment in the area .
    If the ruling parties of the KCC , Thanet district council got there heads together and put forwards a plane to develop a high speed rail link with London and the rest of the country including a rail freight depot it would solve the Airport capacity within the south east by relieving LHR & LGW (Heathrow and Gatwick )this can be done by reinstating some rail tracks within the locality ,ok there will be a need to add new lines but it would be worth it in the long run after all I believe the Javelin trains pass within 4 miles of Manston
    You have one of the longest runways in the country capable of taking the worlds largest aircraft so why not generate profit for the councils instead of a fly by night developer.
    The trouble is in England we spend millions discussing plans and a lot of hot air is passed around the tables the matter instead of getting on with the job my message is stop sitting on your bottoms and do something worth while OPEN MANSTON LIKE NOW !

    • July 18, 2016 at 8:15 am

      Could not agree more to much talk and not enough do the longer the delay the more it will cost

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