Send Stone Hill Park your objections to their latest proposals
Stone Hill Park Consultation Feedback
Stone Hill Park have been holding consultation events for their latest proposals for the Manston airport site over the last couple of days. You can see Stone Hill Park’s latest consultation boards here:
They plan to submit planning applications in April 2016, part in outline and part in full. Be assured that we will continue to fight any change of use that doesn’t conform to our long running campaign to return the airport. If Stone Hill Park do submit planning applications we will then be able to add all our own responses to them at that point.
However, for the time being, Stone Hill Park are seeking our feedback on their revised proposals, which you can do on-line here:, as long as you are willing to give them your name, address and email.
Although the main section of the form is weighted against anyone rejecting the plans outright, there are some boxes that you can enter free text into.

Thanet District Council Planning
Looking back to the TDC Planning meeting that discussed the appeals for the change of use applications for four airport buildings, the Planning Officer stated that the two policies (CC1 and EC4) put the Council in a “strong position“, as they are “up-to-date” and are in “broad alignment with the National Policy Framework“. The view was that “full weight should be afforded to these policies by Planning Inspector in determining the appeals“.
Policy CC1 is “Development in the Countryside”.
Policy EC4 is connected with land at the airport that is reserved for airside development.
We therefore look forward to the plans for the main site being similarly considered by the Planning Officers and Committee. We also look forward to future news on the ongoing Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) progress, as well as further pressure and hopefully wider publicity by the Development Consent Order (DCO) being prepared by RiverOak.